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Pires CAL, Hannachi A (2017) Independent Subspace Analysis of the Sea Surface Temperature Variability: Non-Gaussian Sources and Sensitivity to Sampling and Dimensionality. Complexity Volume 2017, Article ID 3076810, 23 pages; https://doi.org/10.1155/2017/3076810
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Perdigão RAP, Pires CAL, Hall J (2016) Synergistic Dynamic Theory of Complex Coevolutionary Systems: Disentangling Nonlinear Spatiotemporal Controls on Precipitation.
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Pires C.A., Perdigão R.A.P. (2012) Minimum Mutual Information and Non-Gaussianity Through the Maximum Entropy Method: Theory and Properties. Entropy, 14, 1103-1126. doi:10.3390/e14061103, URL: http://www.mdpi.com/1099-4300/14/6/1103
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