
Silvia Nunes

PhD Student


Instituto Dom Luiz
Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa
Campo Grande, Edf. C8, Piso 3, Sala 8.3.15
1749-016 Lisboa

Areas of Scientific activity

Remote Sensing, Fire weather, Fire danger, Wildfire regimes.


Since 2013, Sílvia Nunes has been working at Instituto Dom Luis (IDL) as a Predoctoral Researcher within the framework of the Land Surface Analysis Satellite Application Facility (LSA SAF), an R&D and operational project that is part of the decentralized Ground Segment of EUMETSAT ( She is currently validating the LSA SAF Fire Detection and Monitoring (FD&M) product over Europe, Africa and South America.

Sílvia Nunes’ research interests are on the relationship of the fire regime in Portugal with meteorological conditions and with vegetation stress and available biomass in the pre-fire season.


  • 2013: M. Sc. in Energy and Environment Engineering, ? Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon. Thesis ? Statistical models to forecast summer burned area in Portugal based on meteorological indices of fire danger ? under the supervision of Prof. Carlos C. DaCamara (FCUL).


  • Predoctoral Researcher at the LSA SAF Project at IDL, University of Lisbon.