In 2012 I finished my M.Sc. in Sea Sciences at the University of Lisbon. The Master's thesis was developed in the framework of the project CLIMHOL (reference PTDC/AAC-CLI/100157/2008) and focuses on understanding the vegetation response to Holocene climate variability in south-western Europe.
Currently I am working on my PhD project “Understanding warm periods within and after the Mid Pleistocene Transition (MIS 31 and 11) in the Iberian Margin” that aims to understand the natural climatic variability of past warm periods considered the best analogues to our present-day interglacial. This project is funded by the Portuguese Science Foundation (FCT) and supervised by IDL researcher Ricardo Trigo, Dr. Filipa Naughton (IPMA) and Prof. Dr. M.F. Sánchez Gońi. (EPOC, Bordeaux University).