Currently a research member of IDL-LA and also technical coordinator of the oldest Portuguese observational meteorological station in Lisbon at IDL-Politécnica Lisbon Geophysical Institute). Working in Portuguese historical data analysis and digitisation Most recent work (since 2006) includes: Co-coordination of project SIGN (2006-2008), set to recover selective sub-daily historical meteorological observations of the 3 Portuguese Geophysical Institutes containing the longest data series in Portugal (Lisbon, Porto and Coimbra). Principal Investigator of the FP7 ERA-CLIM project (Portuguese partner) (2011-2013) - Towards building a reanalysis by ECMWF for the 20th century - ERA-20C. Principal Investigator of the FP7 ERA-CLIM2 project (Portuguese partner) (2014-2016) - Second phase of ERA-CLIM. In the ERA-CLIM projects (, data from Portugal and former Colonies (Angola, Mozambique, Guiné-Bissau, Cabo Verde, São Tomé e Principe, Macau, Goa and Timor) is being digitised, quality controlled, homogenised and supplied to the first versions of ERA-20C. Active member of ACRE (Atmospheric Reconstructions over the Earth - Data supplier of surface pressure to the 20CR reanalysis (NOAA/CIRES).
Main previous work (before 2006):
2005-2006: Collaborator of Portuguese project CLIMAAT (Clima e Meteorologia dos Arquipélagos Atlânticos) para a Madeira.
2004-2006: Collaborator of Portuguese project Previsão sazonal de precipitação e de caudal para as principais bacias hidrográficas de Portugal financiado pela EDP e pela REN.
2004: Post-Doc fellowship of Portuguese CLIVAR (Climate Variability and Change: Patterns and Impacts at the Regional Scale)
2002-2003: Collaborator of Project SIAM2 (Climate Change in Portugal: Scenarios, Impacts and Adaptation Measures - 2nd phase)
2002-2003: Post-Doc fellowship of Portuguese Project BULET (Boundary Layer Effects and Turbulence in Complex Terrain)
2001: Post-Doc fellowship of Portuguese Project SIAM (Climate Change in Portugal: Scenarios, Impacts and Adaptation Measures)