
Ana Bastos

PhD Student


Instituto Dom Luiz
Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa
Campo Grande, Edf. C8, Piso 3, Sala 8.3.15
1749-016 Lisboa

Areas of Scientific activity

Climate variability and change; ecoclimatology; carbon cycle; disturbances; remote sensing



J.M. Correia, A. Bastos, M.C. Brito, R.M. Trigo (2017) The influence of the main large-scale circulation patterns on wind power production in Portugal. Renewable Energy, DOI:


Bastos A., Janssens I. A., Gouveia C.M., Trigo R.M., Ciais P., Chevallier F., Penuelas J., Rodenbeck C., Piao S., Friedlingstein P., RunningS.W. (2016) European land CO2 sink influenced by NAO and East-Atlantic Pattern coupling. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | 7:10315 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms10315

Gouveia C. M., Bistinas I., Liberato M.L.R., Bastos A., Koutsiasd N., Trigo R. (2016) The outstanding synergy between drought, heatwaves and fuel on the2007 Southern Greece exceptional fire season. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 218–219 (2016) 135–145


Bastos A., Gouveia C.M., Trigo R.M., Running S.W. (2014) Analysing the spatio-temporal impacts of the 2003 and 2010 extreme heatwaves on plant productivity in Europe. Biogeosciences, 11, 3421-3435


Bastos A., Running S.W., Gouveia C.M., Trigo R.M. (2013) The global NPP dependence on ENSO: La Niña and the extraordinary year of 2011. J. Geophys. Res. Biogeosci., 118,1-9 - PAPER HIGHLIGHTED IN NATURE CC

Bastos A, Trigo RM, Barbosa SM (2013) Discrete wavelet analysis of the influence of the North Atlantic Oscillation on Baltic Sea level. Tellus A, 65. doi:10.3402/tellusa.v65i0.20077


Gouveia C.M., Bastos A., Trigo R.M., DaCamara C.C. (2012) Drought impacts on vegetation in the pre- and post-fire events over Iberian Peninsula. Natural Hazards Earth System Sciences, 12, 3123-3137, 2012, doi:10.5194/nhess-12-3123-2012


Bastos A., Gouveia C.M., DaCamara C.C., Trigo R.M. (2011) Modelling post-fire vegetation recovery in Portugal. Biogeosciences, 8, 3593-3607, 2011, doi:10.5194/bg-8-3593-2011